Next up, from the same shop, is the Eclipse ring. It is a black mini flower on a filigree ring.
Next up is Love Stitched! She has super cute accessories in her shop, I love the headbands and hair clips. The above link will take you to her etsy shop. You can also visit her at and follow her on facebook so you can get the scoop on coupon codes.
I special ordered this gray fabric rosette ring. She makes them in all kinds of colors.
It looks SO much cuter in person than when you see it just on my hand in this picture!
This one is mustard yellow, although my camera did not do the true color justice.

The order from Love Stitched took about a week and a half before it was shipped, and I was wondering why it was taking so long but figured it was because of the special order. When my box arrived it included this seafoam green flower ring attached to a little card that said "so sorry for the delay"! WOW! I just think that is awesome that she took it upon herself to give me an extra ring because she knew that it took awhile to get the order out.
I totally recommend checking out both of these shops, they have A LOT more than what you see here!
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